Claudia Kedar is a historian and former Head of Iberian and Latin American Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her research interests include the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank and their relations with Latin America; the Cold War in Latin America; the so-called "Washington Consensus"; economic multilateralism and globalization; and contemporary Argentina and Chile.

Her first book, "The International Monetary Fund and Latin America. The Argentine Puzzle in Context" (Temple University Press, 2013), received an honorable mention from the 2014 Luciano Tomassini Latin American International Relations Book Award (LASA). She has published in leading journals like the Hispanic American Historical Review, the Journal of Latin American Studies, the International History Review, the Journal of Contemporary History, the Cold War History, and the Financial History Review.

Kedar is actually working on a new book manuscript tentatively entitled "The World Bank and the Cold War in the Americas: Politics, Economy, and Development."

Her current research project, "Latin America and the Washington Consensuses in Historical Perspective, 1944-2000" is supported by the Israeli Science Foundation (Grant 631/19).